Feldenkrais Resources

Move Over Anxiety

This Australian 4-hour audio download program is designed to help you discover your reactions to stress and anxiety and uncover how they may be subtly lingering in everything that you do. The gentle and profound movement explorations will help you to learn how to develop your awareness and ease daily stress and chronic anxiety.


by Brigit Cosgrove and Molly Tipping

This Australian 4-hour audio download program is designed to help you discover your reactions to stress and anxiety and uncover how they may be subtly lingering in everything that you do. The gentle and profound movement explorations will help you to learn how to develop your awareness and ease daily stress and chronic anxiety.
The movement lessons and talks range from 5-35 minutes in length and cover areas such as breathing, abdomen, jaw, spine, waking up, comfort, and how emotions and posture are related.
  1. Welcome
  2. Introduction
  3. Scanning for Comfort
  4. Releasing the Jaw
  5. Finding Your True Limits
  6. Your Personal Anxiety Pattern
  7. Your Personal Anxiety Pattern - Talk
  8. The Initial Habit of Anxiety
  9. Feeling Small and Tall - Introduction
  10. Feeling Small and Tall
  11. Breathing With 3 Diaphragms - Introduction
  12. Breathing With 3 Diaphragms
  13. Breathing With 3 Diaphragms - Talk
  14. A Flexible Spine for a Flexible Mind
  15. A Flexible Spine for a Flexible Mind - Talk
  16. Waking up Well
  17. Upright and Grounded
  18. Connecting It All
  19. Goodbye
