The San Francisco Bay Area Feldenkrais Professional Training Program Prospectus

Welcome to the prospectus for the upcoming Feldenkrais Professional Training Program, presented by Feldenkrais Resources. Training in the Feldenkrais Method® offers an entrance into a stimulating, multidisciplinary profession and the luxury of an extended and powerful personal-growth experience. In the pages of this prospectus, you will be able to read about the various aspects of the training program, including its staff and educational design. There are also sections providing background information on the practice and development of the Feldenkrais Method® and its founder. Feldenkrais Resources and the Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego are both names for the same organization. (Because this program is centered in the Bay Area we will mainly use the name Feldenkrais Resources in this prospectus.)

Applicants must submit an application form and a $50 processing fee. The processing fee will be deducted from your tuition if you are accepted. If your application is denied or enrollment is closed, your fee will be returned in full. If you are accepted into the program and choose not to attend, your application fee is nonrefundable. Applications will be reviewed on an as-received basis. You will be notified of acceptance within 45 days after receipt of your application.

“The greatest pleasure of all is the pleasure of learning.”

The SF Bay Area Feldenkrais Professional Training Program (BA FPTP for short) will be held at the Finnish Hall in Berkeley, CA. The Finnish Hall is well situated for travel from different parts of the SF Bay Area. The hall is less than a ten-minute walk from a BART station (Bay Area Rapid Transit which covers much of the Bay Area), and we are just a few minutes off of Interstate 80. To see the hall and its location check out: Students must seek accommodations on their own or commute to the program. There are many hotels, motels and airbnb rentals in walking distance of the venue. Feldenkrais Resources can help connect students coming from outside of the Bay Area who want to share housing and also offer what information we have about housing in the area of the training.

The Training will begin in November and continue over three and a half years, ending mid-2028. Currently we can only provide the schedule for the first two years. Training years consist of 40 days of instruction including 32 live days and the equivalent of 40 online hours (which add up to an additional 8 training days). Elizabeth Beringer is the Educational Director of the program, coordinating the curriculum with an extensive educational staff. California has the greatest concentration of certified Feldenkrais trainers anywhere in the country; thus, this region provides a rich resource for staffing a training and contributing to a stimulating training environment.


We strive to provide the best possible training in the Feldenkrais Method, to offer a rewarding personal growth experience, and to graduate outstanding Feldenkrais Method practitioners. Students will have the opportunity to learn from a wide variety of teachers with diverse backgrounds and teaching styles. The Feldenkrais Professional Training Program will provide a thorough exploration of the theory underlying the Feldenkrais Method through lectures, discussions, study groups and assigned readings. By exploring the neurological, biological and psychological aspects of the Feldenkrais Method, students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become outstanding practitioners. As participants in an accredited Training Program students are eligible to become members of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America.

The Feldenkrais Method falls under the category of holistic or somatic practices. Our training programs are designed to provide the highest quality training in the field of somatic education focused on the Feldenkrais Method.

The Training Program includes three main groups of participants; individuals who want to integrate the practice of the Feldenkrais Method into their current professions, those who would like to work specifically as Feldenkrais practitioners and be certified as such, and those looking for an extended personal-growth experience. Participants in previous training programs have ranged from 18 to 80 years of age and have come from a range of fields and interests. The Feldenkrais Method, being a general approach to human learning and functioning, can be applied in a wide variety of disciplines and situations. Former students have included physical and occupational therapists, physicians, lawyers, teachers, massage therapists, dancers, actors, musicians, personal coaches, sports instructors and full-time academics.

Upon successful completion of the four-year training program, which is accredited by the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America, graduates will become practitioners of both Awareness Through Movement® (the group work) and Functional Integration® (hands-on practice) and will be eligible for full practitioner membership in the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America. Our goal is to provide a calm and supportive environment for this evolution.


To ensure that students receive substantial individual attention, the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America Training Accreditation Board guidelines require that a Training Program maintain a student to teachers ratio of 20:1 for the first two years and of 15:1 for the final two years. We will always meet or exceed these guidelines.


Elizabeth Beringer, as the Educational Director, will be responsible for designing the educational program, maintaining educational continuity and for all aspects of the curriculum. She will be present for a majority of the program and in addition will be the primary teacher for approximately 50 percent of the program. Elizabeth has been involved with the practice and development of the Feldenkrais Method for more than 40 years and is one of the foremost Feldenkrais teachers and trainers. She studied directly with the founder of the Method, Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, in both the U.S. and Israel beginning in 1976.

Elizabeth has maintained an ongoing and varied private practice working with a diverse population including those with severe movement limitations, children, seniors, musicians, and those in chronic pain. She has also worked extensively with athletes, martial artists and dancers and is known for her ability to apply the Method in dynamic situations. Elizabeth has practiced the art of Aikido, a nonviolent martial art, since 1977 and currently holds the rank of 6th-degree black belt. She was formerly an assistant instructor at San Diego Aikikai, an Aikido school in San Diego, California. Her practice of the Feldenkrais Method has been informed and shaped by her experiences in Aikido.

Over the years, Elizabeth has been actively involved with the development of the Feldenkrais Method into a respected profession; founding and editing for 18 years the first Feldenkrais Journal, developing educational programs and materials, working with the practitioner organization, the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America, in numerous capacities and co-founding Feldenkrais Resources. She has also taught postgraduate seminars for physical and occupational therapists. Currently she is involved in the training of new practitioners in Europe and the U.S. She also travels extensively, teaching in postgraduate and practitioner training programs in Europe, Australia, Asia and across the U.S. In addition to her Feldenkrais practice, Elizabeth has studied numerous other Somatic disciplines. More recently she has pursued the study of the cognitive sciences, and her current teaching integrates current advances in the cognitive sciences into the Feldenkrais perspective. Elizabeth lives in San Diego, California, with her husband, Rafael Núñez, a professor of cognitive science at the University California San Diego, and their daughter, Aliana, currently a college student.


The upcoming SF Bay Area Training will include a wide range or experienced staff members. (This is not yet a complete list).

Arlyn Zones, MA.(Theatre Arts) began studying the Feldenkrais Method in 1977 and graduated from Dr. Feldenkrais’ last U.S Training Program in 1983. She has maintained an active practice since then, working with infants, children and adults. She has also taught in schools, clinics, hospitals and has led special seminars for physical and occupational therapists. Arlyn became a trainer of the Method in 1994 and has taught extensively in the U.S., Europe and Australia. Arlyn is known for her direct and personal teaching style as well as her ability to inspire creativity and independence in those she works with.

Martin Mosimann is an active and experienced Feldenkrais Teacher living and working in Biel, Switzerland. Martin founded The Feldenkrais Center Biel in 1995 where he offers ongoing ATM classes, post-graduate trainings and engages in an active private practice. He was originally trained as a physical therapist before immersing himself in the Feldenkrais Method. He works in a variety of different countries and settings around the world helping to form new Feldenkrais teachers. Martin and Elizabeth have a long and deep collaboration and are just starting a new 4-year program together in Biel, Switzerland.

Scott Clark has been working with movement for the past 40 years, both as his own self-exploration and as a way of communicating with others. He is originally from New Mexico and took a BSc in mathematics before going on to an MA in dance. He was a founding member of the Siobhan Davies Dance Company and taught the company for its first six years. After completing the London Feldenkrais training, he began to incorporate that work into dance training, as well as teaching functional anatomy at Roehampton Institute. Scott lives in London and is an active Feldenkrais trainer teaching in and directing professional Feldenkrais programs in many different countries. Elizabeth and Scott have directed 3 different Professional Feldenkrais trainings together in London.

Carol Kress is a Feldenkrais trainer who brings her experience of an ongoing and varied private practice to the program. In addition, her work is informed by her long-time involvement in the equestrian art of dressage and the martial art Aikido. Elizabeth and Carol have collaborated in many areas over many years including organizing 7 different Bay Area Feldenkrais trainings together. Carol is an active trainer most recently teaching frequently in China.

Donna Ray, M.A., M.F.T., is the director of Feldenkrais Southern California and has taught in or directed numerous training programs, both in the U.S. and in Europe. She is a highly experienced teacher/ trainer with a long and deep grounding in her private practice experience. Donna sees both children and adults in her practice. She also works with people experiencing pain, anxiety, posttraumatic stress, preparation for childbirth and athletes. In addition to her Feldenkrais practice, Donna works as a marriage and family counselor and her Feldenkrais practice is informed by her psychological work and training, which includes Eriksonian Hypnosis, EMDR, art therapy and dance.

Donna Wood has been practicing and teaching the Feldenkrais Method for the past 20 years. Her extensive background in dance and martial arts has created a richness of personal-movement experience that she can draw on in her practice of the Method. She is also particularly interested in how the Feldenkrais Method can foster creativity and affect perception. Donna works with a broad range of people and situations and has taught extensively as an assistant trainer in multiple training programs. She is bilingual and splits her individual practice between San Diego and Mexico.

Elaine Yoder is an experienced practitioner and assistant trainer in the Feldenkrais Method. She draws from extensive experience with several forms of movement, including dance, running and martial arts. She was Editorial Assistant for The Feldenkrais Journal for 10 years. She is also trained in the Hendrikson Method® and orthopedic manual therapy with a strong emphasis on functional anatomy. Elaine has been practicing the martial art of Aikido since 1977. She holds a 6th Degree Black Belt and has taught Aikido for over 40 years.

Ohad Nachmani Born in Israel and living in Spain, Ohad has been a certified Feldenkrais practitioner since 1998 and an Assistant Trainer since 2018. He has taught in several training courses in the US, Europe, and Israel and mentors various groups of certified practitioners in Spain and France. He has extensive experience working with individuals with neurological problems, children with special needs, musicians, singers, and other performers. Ohad holds a master's of arts in philosophy of science. He also investigates and teaches the dynamics of the human voice and is an avid collaborator with professionals from other fields. Ohad is a long-time practitioner of different martial arts.


The Feldenkrais Method is an innovative system that approaches human development and the improvement of functioning through the medium of physical movement and directed attention. It approaches human learning by accessing the nervous system’s innate processes for the enhancement and refinement of functioning. Based on his/her personal history, each individual adopts patterns of physical and psychological behavior adapted to his or her particular environment. These patterns are deeply embedded in our nervous system and often become outmoded or dysfunctional, creating unnecessary limitations and sometimes pain. Our posture and the ways that we move were learned, even if that learning was not conscious.

Consequently, physical difficulties or limitations are seen, from the Feldenkrais perspective, as the result of either incomplete learning or trauma that can lead to dysfunctional habit patterns. When it is necessary to change or create a new pattern, the Feldenkrais Method provides the means to know what to change and how to change it. The founder, Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc., utilized his background in physics, mechanical engineering and Judo to develop an approach with an unusual melding of biomechanics, motor development, psychology and the martial arts. The Method has achieved international recognition for its demonstrated ability to improve posture, flexibility, coordination, self-image and to alleviate muscular tension and pain. It consists of two compelling and versatile applications: Awareness Through Movement® (ATM), done in groups, and Functional Integration® (FI), an individualized hands-on practice. Based on the same theoretical ground, both modalities harness the nervous system’s ability to self-organize toward more effective and intelligent action.


Awareness Through Movement (ATM) consists of gentle, verbally guided movement sequences, each organized around a different theme, and often practiced in a group setting. The movement lessons give structure to the investigation of diverse themes such as attention, self-image, intention and self-responsibility resulting in a multifaceted and textured learning experience. Unlike many movement practices where the same sequences are repeated, ATM offers an impressive variety of movement situations addressing every human function and area of the body. Thus the learning process in ATM is full of surprises, challenges and the pleasure of learning in new and unexpected ways. The length of the Training Program provides an opportunity for the participants to experience the full breadth and depth of the Feldenkrais ATM repertoire and its transformative potential. In the training context, the sensory-motor learning experienced in ATM gains momentum over time, allowing new ways of thinking, feeling and action to emerge in a powerful fashion. This experiential learning forms the foundation for all aspects of the curriculum.


Functional Integration (FI) is a one-to-one approach to working with people. Learning, change and improvement are achieved through the use of specific skilled manipulation and passive movement individualized for the student’s particular needs. The practice of Functional Integration is based on the same large movement repertoire as ATM, making the approach flexible and thus applicable in a wide range of situations. It has benefited such diverse groups as musicians, performing artists, athletes, children with developmental difficulties, senior citizens coping with movement restrictions, people with chronic pain, and individuals with neurological problems.


Feldenkrais Resources will be sponsoring and administering the SF Bay Area Training Program. In addition to organizing Professional Trainings, Feldenkrais Resources is the main publisher of Feldenkrais oriented books and audio programs including the published work of Moshe Feldenkrais. Feldenkrais Resources continues to develop new educational programs that are distributed worldwide. Having the training sponsored by Feldenkrais Resources will entitle students to discounts when purchasing books and other educational materials and to a variety of training materials that will be included in the training.


Training in the Feldenkrais Method offers the opportunity to enter an international and growing interdisciplinary profession. A study published by the New England Journal of Medicine showed people in the U.S. spending billions of dollars annually on holistic and alternative medical approaches. The Feldenkrais Method is at the cutting edge of these types of practices and continues to gain in popularity and name recognition. The Feldenkrais Method’s unique combination of practices for profound self development as well as effective applications for issues of pain, functional limitations and sports or artistic performance guarantee it a major role in health enhancement for the coming century.

The Training Program can also act to augment and reinvigorate one’s current profession. Because the Method can be effectively applied in any field where the improvement of movement quality is a benefit, graduates have often been able to bring their expertise back to their current profession. One of the most common reasons people give for deciding to do the training, is a feeling of frustration at having reached the end of what they could do with their current level of knowledge and training. This is especially true of those in the health professions. The training addresses this by developing in the participants their creative thinking, the ability to innovate and by providing the tools to improving functioning in a wide range of situations. Students come to understand ‘how to learn’ effectively and enjoyably in any area of life and how to construct positive learning situations for others. Graduates who choose to stay with their previous professions report increased effectiveness and satisfaction with their work.


The Feldenkrais Professional Training Program will offer participants extensive practical experience and in-depth training in both Awareness Through Movement and Functional Integration. The Training Program will also provide a thorough exploration of the theory underlying the Feldenkrais Method through lectures, discussions, study groups and assigned readings. By exploring the neurological, biological and psychological aspects of the Feldenkrais Method, students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become outstanding practitioners.

The Training Program is designed to bring forth each student’s development in a noncompetitive and highly supportive environment. Throughout the training there will be a team of instructors. At times, one of the instructors will do most of the teaching. At other times the staff will teach simultaneously to small groups of students. The variety of training personnel is designed to give students a broad and deep exposure to the multifaceted nature of the Feldenkrais Method. The Feldenkrais training is designed to introduce and embody in the participants an understanding of the underlying dynamics of Functional Integration and Awareness Through Movement. Essential to the Feldenkrais Method is the experience of “learning how to learn.” We begin that process with ourselves through ATM and then utilizing what we have learned, we make the process interactive through Functional Integration. There will be no rote learning, and it is assumed that students will progress at different rates. Each student will come to realize their own creative learning strategies and how to engender in others the process of self-discovery.


The SF Bay Area Training Program will be held at the Finnish Hall in Berkeley, California. The majority of material you will need for the program will be provided by the organizers. You will eventually need to purchase a Feldenkrais table and we will assist you in that process.


The Training Program is nonresidential. Students must make their own arrangements for housing when attending the program. The City of Berkeley has extremely varied housing options, including hotels, budget hotels, and numerous airbnb rentals. Feldenkrais Resources will provide support to those coming from out of the area in finding housing.


Learning in the Training Program is always grounded in the participants experience of their own movement and kinesthetic learning. The training involves extended and intensive ATM and Functional Integration experiences. As such, for many students the training itself can be a profound and unexpected transformative process. Immersion in ATM over the first two years allows the participants to experience the breadth and depth of the Method. Over time, the letting go of conditioned habits and the increasing awareness gains momentum, leading to many participants experience a positive and profound shift in their entire sense of self, and thus in many areas of their life.


The Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego offers one course of instruction: Feldenkrais Professional Training accredited by the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America.

The training process is structured as one integrated gestalt lasting over the entire course of the training period. The Training Program meets for a minimum of 800 hours over 160 days, for a period of approximately three and a half years. The curriculum is divided into four separate years. Students will attend 40 days per training year.

The Feldenkrais Professional Training Program differs from other schools in that the trainee is involved in a continuous experiential movement process, rather than instructed in a certain number of independent courses.

Conceptual and theoretical information is introduced while the student is doing pertinent, associated movement processes.


The first year of the Feldenkrais Professional Training Program will immerse you in all aspects of the Feldenkrais Method. Daily ATM lessons, (at least) four private FI lessons, lectures, demonstrations, theoretical discussions and hands-on work with other students will serve to give you a well-rounded foundation to build on. Fundamental ideas from evolutionary theory, kinesiology, anatomy and neurophysiology will be introduced in the context of different learning activities. You will begin to develop your own sensory acuity and the initial sensing and observation skills required in Functional Integration. Awareness, as a tangible component of experience, is developed through coordinating intention and action both in one’s self and in touching others.


The second year of the Training Program addresses the structure and function of both ATM and FI lessons. In order to prepare you for teaching ATM to the public at the end of the second year, the implicit structure and pattern of lessons will be made evident. All aspects of teaching ATM will be covered and you will have time to practice under supportive supervision. You will begin to recognize fundamental functional configurations and learn how to incorporate these observations into FI and ATM. FI practice will be used to help give you an inner understanding of ATM lessons.


In the third year the focus will be on developing the technical skills, sensory acuity and understanding in one’s own hands required to give Functional Integration lessons. Adding to the extensive hands-on work done during the first two years, the next level of actually giving FI lessons will be developed. You will see FI lessons given to clients with a broad range of physical problems and begin to develop a sense for the ‘artistic’ elements in FI. The underlying dynamics common to both FI and ATM will constantly be brought to the foreground. Through the cross fertilization of FI and ATM, the sophistication of your understanding and skill will increase.


The fourth year continues all of the themes of the previous years and adds FI practice with clients from outside the training. To provide as much individualized feedback and attention as possible, we will make greater use of small groups. Working under close supervision, you will learn how to maintain an open attitude toward learning and analysis of movement patterns as you construct meaningful learning situations for others. Discussions on how to coordinate and begin a professional practice will be conducted throughout. The ATM themes in the fourth year will be very rich and will expose you further to the beauty, power and breadth of the Feldenkrais repertoire.


The following sections will explain to you the teaching and learning approaches that will be utilized in the training program. These include class ATM lessons, individual hands-on (FI) lessons, small group work, class discussions, lectures, supervision, and between-segment study groups.


You will experience many hours of Awareness Through Movement lessons throughout the training. The core of the lessons will be drawn from the professional trainings that Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais conducted and from classes he taught. You will experience different types of lessons, intricate lessons that have an extended and interwoven structure as well as basic lessons, which are taught to the general public. As noted above, we will not make a strong distinction between Awareness Through Movement and Functional Integration, as they are simply two sides of the same practice. We will begin developing basic FI skills right from the start and will continue to emphasize ATM throughout the program.


As part of your professional training experience, you will receive at least four private Functional Integration lessons each year from members of the faculty or invited practitioners. There will be also be the opportunity to arrange for additional lessons. You will have many opportunities to observe Functional Integration lessons given during class, lessons given to other students during non-class hours, and videotapes of Moshe Feldenkrais giving lessons to people with physical challenges.

We will begin teaching touching and contact skills early in the program, emphasizing the development of sensing abilities and “seeing with the hands.” You will refine your tactile, as well as kinesthetic acuity in ATM lessons and in small group work. During the third year of the program, you will begin giving your fellow trainees supervised FI lessons and in the fourth year you will work with “clients” from outside the training.


Small-size groups are used to foster your learning from the training staff in an intimate and personalized context and to facilitate the process of learning cooperatively with your fellow students. For example, in topic-oriented discussions you will bridge the gap between readings and your class experiences, to make connections between ideas and devise ways to put those connections into action.

Small groups will also be used to develop your ability to understand and teach FI and ATM. For example, you will review ATM lessons in class, analyzing and discussing the structure and logic of the lessons. As the training progresses, you will have the opportunity to present short sections of the lessons and develop your presentation skills. We are committed to creating a constructive atmosphere, where all students can speak and be heard. We want to expand beyond the idea of being in a group and learning individually to create a process of learning with a group and as a group. By drawing on the different skills and background that each participant brings, the training will be a place for collaborative interaction and cooperative learning.


We will hold regular discussions, both in small groups and with the entire class. These discussions will vary in style from question and answer periods, dialogues, open-ended talks, and conversations oriented to specific topics.


Trainers, assistant trainers, and guest lecturers will present talks on the background of the Feldenkrais Method, on related areas of current knowledge, and on the specifics of developing and conducting a practice. You will learn about Moshe Feldenkrais and how he developed the Method and you will learn about the historical, philosophical, and scientific bases of his thinking and work. To help you understand how the Feldenkrais Method relates to prevailing ideas, you will be introduced to relevant topics in contemporary cognitive science, neurophysiology and movement sciences.


Feldenkrais training programs have traditionally been made up of an extremely varied student population, which adds to the richness and variability of the training environment. We are looking for a diverse student body, and thus participants are accepted from a wide range of fields, interests and backgrounds. Students have ranged in age from 18 to 80 and participants have traveled from Europe, Mexico and Latin America.

The Training Program appeals to participants who desire to bring new perspectives and understandings to their present work or are looking for a rewarding new profession. For some, the option of being self-employed is particularly attractive. The program is also open to those looking to improve their health and comfort in an intensive learning environment. The Feldenkrais Method, being a general approach to human learning and functioning, can be applied in a wide variety of fields and situations. The field is relatively new so the opportunities for developing new applications of the Method are many. In addition to maintaining independent private practices, many Feldenkrais Practitioners work in such diverse fields as psychology, rehabilitation, physical and occupational therapy, education, physical education, ergonomics, gerontology, sports performance, art, voice, theater, dance and music.

We are seeking a well-balanced student body, representing the full diversity of human experience, professions and backgrounds. We are committed to accepting people into the program regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation or physical ability.


The training is designed to facilitate your continuous learning. This includes making sure that the intervals between training segments are well utilized. We will encourage you to take ATM classes or workshops in the interim periods in order to learn about different styles of teaching, and to begin to interact with future colleagues. For the same reasons, we also suggest that you receive Functional Integration sessions between segments. To deepen your understanding of the Feldenkrais Method and to strengthen your ability to express that understanding, we will ask you to read selected texts.

Zoom meetings offer a wonderful option for continuing to learn together between segments. In these online meetings we can discuss readings, practice ATM teaching, provide supervision and stay connected between the in person sessions.


Over the course of the program we will sometimes require, and sometimes recommend, books for reading and discussion The following is a list of books by Moshe Feldenkrais that students will read or from which students will be asked to do readings:

  1. Awareness Through Movement
  2. Embodied Wisdom
  3. The Potent Self
  4. Body and Mature Behavior: A Study of Anxiety, Sex, Gravitation and Learning
  5. Body Awareness and Healing Therapy: The Case of Nora

In addition, we will present recordings and videos of Moshe Feldenkrais, other relevant teachers, and recorded lecture on topics pertinent to the program.

Access to educational resources online will be provided, including full recordings of the whole program. Students will have access to an online library of lectures, demonstrations and materials pertinent to the program. Students can access to the library once the course is underway.


In an ongoing process, the Educational Director, trainers, and assistant trainers will evaluate each student on the basis of class attendance, participation, homework, and supervised in-class Awareness Through Movement and Functional Integration practice.


The progress and learning of each student in the Training Program will be closely supported, guided and followed throughout the four years. Personalized supervision will be an ongoing part of the training process and will be used to build the student’s skills and understanding. A minimum teacher to student ratio of 1 to 16 will be maintained throughout the program and on many days it will be significantly lower.

Students are evaluated by Feldenkrais instructors who are certified by the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America. Observational evaluations by certified instructors, rather than grading standards or written exams, are used to track student’s progress and competency in the Feldenkrais Method. This evaluation is based on the instructor’s observations of the student’s participation in Awareness Through Movement lessons, Functional Integration practice, group discussions, written homework processes, the student’s self evaluation, and the evaluation of the entire teaching staff.

Upon the satisfactory completion of the second year of the Training Program, qualified students will be certified to teach Awareness Through Movement to the public. Satisfactory completion of the second year includes: being up to date on the first two year’s attendance, having the core staff’s support based on in-class observation, completion of any required written homework processes and finally to undergo an individual supervision of the student leading a Feldenkrais group movement class, (Awareness Through Movement). The certification given at this stage of the program is temporary and expires after 5 years if the student does not complete the entire program.

During the final year of the program the students will have the opportunity to be supervised working with the hands-on work, Functional Integration, at least four separate times. (We offer additional supervision over the minimum required by the FGNA at no extra charge). During that ongoing evaluation process, students are often encouraged to work on particular issues in order to improve their work. In most cases we do not need to “require” this, as the students want to improve and we want them to improve! In the event a student is unable to perform an adequate level of Awareness Through Movement or Functional Integration teaching in their supervisions, the Educational Director reserves the right to ask any student to receive further training, or complete additional assignments outside of class time, before being considered for graduation and full Feldenkrais practitioner status. It is our goal never to surprise a student at the end of the training with additional requirements. Given ongoing evaluation, any challenges that arise in meeting the graduation requirements are identified early and plans are made with the individual student to achieve successful completion of the program in a timely fashion. At the end of the fourth year, upon completion of the Training Program requirements, graduates will become Practitioners of both Awareness Through Movement and Functional Integration and will be eligible for full membership in The Feldenkrais Guild® of North America (FGNA).

It is the student’s responsibility to make-up any time missed. A student missing more than five (5) days of training per year or a total of more than ten (10) days over the course of the entire four years will be required to make up the lost time. The full program will be recorded, and students will have access to the recordings soon after a segment in completed. In the event that a student has to miss time they can review the recording and notate the days for credit to stay up with the program and make-up the time.


It is possible to participate in the Training Program on a non-certification basis. In this case normal requirements would not apply. The non-certification track makes sense for students who are taking the training for their personal growth, or students who are not planning to work as Feldenkrais practitioners. In this case, attendance requirements, make-up requirements and participation in supervisions would not apply. Students choosing this option can fully participate in the entire program as long as they do not fall behind in such a way that it interferes with the other students learning. This would be determined at the Educational Director’s discretion. (To date this has never occurred.) Students on a non-certification track will receive a statement of attendance. In most cases the statement of attendance can be used to complete the requirements for full certification as a Feldenkrais practitioners with additional training at the discretion of the Educational Director of any Feldenkrais Professional Training Program that the student joins in the future.


The Training Program meets for a minimum of 800 hours, for 160 days over a period of approximately three and a half years. For the first two years this will mean 32 live days spread over 4 meetings and 40 hours of virtual class time.

The Administrative Director or staff will track each student’s attendance at the training to ensure that he or she has participated in the required number of hours. In the event of any absence from class, a student is responsible for the content of the missed material. Per the FGNA, the training has to be completed within a maximum of seven years, and a minimum duration of three years (36 months).

Not more than 5 days in a single year or more than 10 days over the four-year period may be missed without making up the training hours. There is no refund of tuition for missed days.

A student has different options as regards making up missed class time. When the student misses individual days of training, this material can be made up by audio and/or video recordings of the training segments. Audio recordings of the course for makeup purposes will be available to all participants; the fee is included in tuition. For longer absences, students may need to make up time in other training programs, at the student’s own time and expense. The Feldenkrais Institute does not track the costs of these other programs.


The maximum amount of time a student can remain on a leave of absence is seven years from their training start date. This is relevant if a student needs to leave the program due to personal circumstances in the middle of the learning process. In this case Feldenrkais Resources will do what it can to help the student find an appropriate training situation to continue their training.


Applicants must submit an application form and a $50 processing fee. The processing fee will be deducted from your tuition if you are accepted. If your application is denied or enrollment is closed, your fee will be returned in full. If you are accepted into the program and choose not to attend, your application fee is nonrefundable. Applications will be reviewed on an as-received basis. You will be notified of acceptance within 45 days after receipt of your application.

We welcome International Students and anyone travelling from outside the US is eligible for a 20% discount on tuition. However, English language proficiency is required. In order to enroll in the program, students need a basic ability to speak, read and communicate in English. No English-language translation services are provided. Please note: The Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego is not able to provide visa services to students from other countries.

Link to Application, CLICK HERE

Payment can be submitted by Check or PayPal (You can also pay by Credit Card through PayPal).
To pay online, visit this Form:

To pay by Check, please make it out to Feldenkrais Institute and mail to this address:

Feldenkrais Institute
325 W. Washington Street #2-140
San Diego, CA 92103


The Bay Area Feldenkrais Professional Training Program is fully accredited by The Feldenkrais Guild® of North America and recognized by all international Feldenkrais teacher organizations throughout Europe, Australia, Israel and South America. Upon the satisfactory completion of the second year of the training, qualified students will be certified to teach Awareness Through Movement to the public. At the end of the fourth year, upon completion of the Training Program requirements, you will become a Guild Certified Practitioner of both Awareness Through Movement and Functional Integration and will be eligible for full membership in the Feldenkrais professional association of your country of residence.

Neither the Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego nor its Feldenkrais Professional Training Program is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.


Students may transfer to the The SF Bay Area Feldenkrais Professional Training Program. The institute will accept up to 3 years (or 600 hours) of Feldenkrais Professional Training from another Feldenkrais Professional Training Program that is accredited by the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America (FGNA). The Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego requires that transfer students fill out and complete its application. The basis upon which the transferred credit will be awarded: A student must have completed Feldenkrais Training hours with a program recognized by the FGNA. In addition the student can be no more than 20 days behind the program for which they are requesting entry.

Furthermore, in accordance with the FGNA, a trainee who wants to transfer from one Training Program to another must receive a letter from the Educational Director and the Administrative Director of his/her original program, indicating fees paid, number of days of training completed, which parts of the program completed, and a recommendation to continue the training elsewhere. This information should be submitted with an application to the institute. There is no equivalent degree or equivalent program to The Feldenkrais Professional Training (outside of Feldenkrais Guild® accredited Feldenkrais Trainings). Therefore, the Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego/Feldenkrais Resources does not accept ability-to-benefit students or credits earned at other institutions of learning or credits earned through challenge examinations and achievement tests at other institutions. The institute does not accept prior non-Feldenkrais experiential learning toward the professional training program.

The Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego has not entered into an articulation or transfer agreement with any other college or university or Feldenkrais Training Program. The Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego does not provide student services (such career counseling or health services) or placement services.


Total tuition for the Bay Area FPTP is $21,800, payable by year during the four-year program. Each of the four years of training is $5,450. Upon approval of your application, a $600 deposit will be necessary to reserve your place in the training. This $600 payment and the $50 application fee, is credited toward year one tuition and is fully refundable if you decide not to start the program.

In addition, in the event that you choose to leave the program, any fees paid for training time that have not yet happened, will be fully refunded. This only applies to upcoming days, days that you may have missed as the training progressed are not refundable.


Click below to download a copy of the application form:

Download Application

As a prospective student, you are encouraged to review this prospectus prior to signing an enrollment agreement. You are also encouraged to review the School Performance Fact Sheet, which must be provided to you prior to signing an enrollment agreement. (You can view the school performance fact sheet at the bottom of the training page on our website.)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact

Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego: 619-220-8776

Or you can email

Payment plans and a limited number of work/scholarships are available. Students residing outside of the U.S. and traveling to the program will receive a 20 percent tuition reduction. Those traveling from more than 600 miles within the U.S. to get to the Bay Area FPTP will receive a 10 percent tuition reduction.




The Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego/Feldenkrais Resources is overseen by the California Bureau of Post-Secondary Education (or BPPE) which monitors and authorizes educational programs in California. Much of what is below is required by BPPE as part of its efforts to protect California students.

Tuition Recovery Fund

Students who are California residents currently must pay 250 cents ($2.50) per one thousand dollars ($1,000) of institutional charges, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars for the California Private Postsecondary Education Bureau’s Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF). This cost is $12.50 per year.

The cost of these fees can vary year to year. All costs due the State of California will be paid by Feldenkrais Resources/Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego.


A student has the right to cancel the enrollment agreement and obtain a refund of charges paid through attendance at the first class session, or the seventh day after enrollment, whichever is later. To cancel the enrollment agreement and withdraw from the institution and obtain a refund, a student must send written correspondence to Elizabeth Beringer at Feldenkrais Resources/Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego, by letter or email stating they would like to leave the program.

(We are required by the state of California to make this statement, however our refund schedule is more liberal then what is required by the State of California. See below.)

Furthermore, during the course of the training program, if a student chooses not to continue—whether due to evolving personal or financial circumstances—a full refund will made for any tuition paid in advance, that is any tuition paid for training days not yet attended. The Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego/Feldenkrais Resources shall refund to the student all tuition payments for any full day training sessions of the program that he or she has not yet attended at the time of the notice of the student’s withdrawal. We will not refund days missed prior to the request for withdrawal.

To cancel the enrollment agreement and withdraw from the institution and obtain a refund, a student must send a written correspondence to the office manager at the Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego or Elizabeth Beringer by letter or email stating they would like to leave the program.


All students are accepted to the Bay Area FPTP on a probationary basis for the first two weeks of the training program. This is a requirement of our private postsecondary certification. In the unlikely event that a student is not accepted after the probationary period, they will receive a full refund.

The Bay Area FPTP reserves the right to terminate a student from the program at any time. Reasons for dismissal may include but are not limited to: noncompliance with the rules and directives of the program, disturbance of the group training process, exhibiting difficulties in the personal and/or professional integration of the learning material, and/or nonpayment of tuition fees according to the Tuition Payment Schedule.

Any notice of cancellation from The Bay Area FPTP shall be in writing, and a withdrawal may be effectuated by the student's written notice or by the student's conduct, including, but not necessarily limited to, a student's lack of attendance.

When the Bay Area FPTP identifies a reason for possible student termination, the student will be notified and possible solutions to the problem will be explored before a final determination is made regarding the student’s continuation in or termination from the program. In the event that the student is terminated from the program, the Bay Area FPTP shall refund to the student all tuition payments for any full day training sessions of the program that the student has not yet attended at the time of the termination. Such refund shall not apply to days missed before termination.


The State of California established the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic loss suffered by a student in an educational program at a qualifying institution, who is Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego - Revised July 31, 2020 & February 2024 or was a California resident while enrolled, or was enrolled in a residency program, if the student enrolled in the institution, prepaid tuition, and suffered an economic loss. Unless relieved of the obligation to do so, you must pay the state-imposed assessment for the STRF, or it must be paid on your behalf, if you are a student in an educational program, who is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your tuition. You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment if you are not a California resident or are not enrolled in a residency program. It is important that you keep copies of your enrollment agreement, financial aid documents, receipts, or any other information that documents the amount paid to the school. Questions regarding the STRF may be directed to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, 1747 N. Market Blvd. Ste 225 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 431-6959 or (888) 370-7589.

To be eligible for STRF, you must be a California resident or are enrolled in a residency program, prepaid tuition, paid or deemed to have paid the STRF assessment, and suffered an economic loss as a result of any of the following:

  1. The institution, a location of the institution, or an educational program offered by the institution was closed or discontinued, and you did not choose to participate in a teach-out plan approved by the Bureau or did not complete a chosen teach-out plan approved by the Bureau.
  2. You were enrolled at an institution or a location of the institution within the 120 day period before the closure of the institution or location of the institution, or were enrolled in an educational program within the 120 day period before the program was discontinued.
  3. You were enrolled at an institution or a location of the institution more than 120 days before the closure of the institution or location of the institution, in an educational program offered by the institution as to which the Bureau determined there was a significant decline in the quality or value of the program more than 120 days before closure.
  4. The institution has been ordered to pay a refund by the Bureau but has failed to do so.
  5. The institution has failed to pay or reimburse loan proceeds under a federal student loan program as required by law, or has failed to pay or reimburse proceeds received by the institution in excess of tuition and other costs.
  6. You have been awarded restitution, a refund, or other monetary award by an arbitrator or court, based on a violation of this chapter by an institution or representative of an institution, but have been unable to collect the award from the institution.
  7. You sought legal counsel that resulted in the cancellation of one or more of your student loans and have an invoice for services rendered and evidence of the cancellation of the student loan or loans. To qualify for STRF reimbursement, the application must be received within four (4) years from the date of the action or event that made the student eligible for recovery from STRF. A student whose loan is revived by a loan holder or debt collector after a period of noncollection may, at any time, file a written application for recovery from STRF for the debt that would have otherwise been eligible for recovery. If it has been more than four (4) years since the action or event that made the student eligible, the student must have filed a written application for recovery within the original four (4) year period, unless the period has been extended by another act of law. However, no claim can be paid to any student without a social security number or a taxpayer identification number.”


Feldenkrais Resources and the Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego are not eligible for state and federal aid programs. However we do offer a limited number of work scholarships. If you are interested, please contact for more information.

The Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego and Feldenkrais Resources does not participate in state and federal financial aid programs. However, we are required by the state to note the following:

If the Student has received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of moneys not paid from federal student financial aid program funds.

If the Student obtains a loan to pay for an educational program, the student will have the responsibility to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund.

If the Student is eligible for a loan guaranteed by the federal or state government and the Student defaults on the loan, both of the following may occur:

(1) The federal or state government or a loan guarantee agency may take action against the student, including applying any income tax refund to which the person is entitled to reduce the balance owed on the loan.

(2) The student may not be eligible for any other federal student financial aid at another institution or other government assistance until the loan is repaid.


The Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego strives to treat all students fairly, but as in any organization, misunderstandings and even conflicts can arise from time to time. As a student, you have certain rights under the state laws regarding education, and the federal affirmative action laws.

If you feel that your student rights have been violated by the institute—in one circumstance, or over a period of time in a series of events—you also have the right to try to resolve the problem. In most cases, problem situations turn out better if they’re attended to quickly and simply. To aid in resolving any unfair situations or practices, the Educational Director will hand out Training Review Forms once a year to all students. Students are encouraged to use the form to express any misgivings or grievances. The forms may be anonymous. The forms will be returned to an inbox in the Educational Director’s office.

Any grievance should be brought to the Administrative Director and/or to the Educational Director. A meeting between involved parties will be set up at the convenience of the student to resolve the problem within a month. In the unlikely event that a student will feel it is necessary to leave the training program, any unused tuition will be immediately refunded.


Student records and attendance are maintained indefinitely and are available to students. For any record needs, please write to the Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego, 3680 6t h Avenue, San Diego, CA 92103.


The transferability of credits you earn at the through Feldenkrais Resources is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the diploma you earn in Feldenkrais Professional Training is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. If the credits or diploma that you earn at this institution are not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending the Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego to determine if your credits or diploma will transfer."

The Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego/Feldenkrais Resources is approved to operate by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. The institute is a private institution; approval by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education does not imply that the Bureau endorses this program, nor does Bureau approval mean that our institution exceeds minimum state standards. The Feldenkrais Insitute of San Diego/Feldenkrais Resources does not have a pending petition in bankruptcy. It is not operating as a debtor in possession. It has not filed a petition within the preceding five years; nor has the institute had a petition in bankruptcy filed against it within the preceding five years that resulted in reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C. Sec. 1101 et seq.).

Any questions a student may have regarding this prospectus that have not been satisfactorily by the Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego may be directed to:

Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, 1747 N. Market Blvd. Ste 225 Sacramento, CA 95834; PO Box 980818, West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818; Telephone: (888) 370-7589 or (916) 574-8900; or by fax (916) 263-1897. Website address:

A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling 888-370-7589 or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the Bureau's Internet website:


Feldenkrais®, Functional Integration®, Awareness Through Movement®, and the Feldenkrais Method® are registered service marks of The Feldenkrais Guild® of North America. Training programs are subject to cancellation as a result of insufficient enrollment, teacher availability, and/or location availability. In case of instructor and/or location change, applicants will be notified 30 days in advance and given the option of participation or refund. Training programs are subject to cancellation with 30 days advance notice, (only in the most extreme situation would this ever happen!). Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego does not guarantee that graduates of the training will be able to practice in states or countries where local laws, licenses and regulations may stipulate additional specific requirements.
